Friday, February 24, 2017

2S Tidbits

Hello 2S Families,

Winter Break for students starts today after school with school resuming on March 6th. I would like to wish all of you a safe and happy February school break. It is hard to believe that we only have about 70 school days left until the end of the year. Below you will find upcoming events for SMS and our classroom. Take care and enjoy!

Rick Saltus
Grade 2 Teacher

Upcoming Events:

Feb. 27th-March 3rd-Winter Break

Mar. 6th-School Resumes

Mar. 16th-Early Release-Dismissal at 12:50 pm

Mar. 17th-SAU Teacher In-Service Day-No School

Mar. 9th-5th Grade vs. SMS Staff Basketball Game-Time TBA

Mar. 10th-Stratham Memorial School-School District Meeting at SMS-7:00pm ***
Free Babysitting is provided by the Stratham Teachers Association and the PTO is having a movie night starting at 6:30pm***

Mar. 14th-Stratham Town Election at the Stratham Municipal Center 8:00am -8:00pm

Mar. 17th-Stratham Town Meeting-at SMS-7:00pm

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Quick Reminders from 2S

Dear 2S Families,

I hope you all are having a great weekend! I just wanted to give out a few reminders for this upcoming week. On Monday and Thursday we will have P.E. with Ms. Locke. She is still planning on taking the class outside for P.E. Please make sure to have your child bring in their snow gear for these days. Snow pants, coat, gloves, hat, and boots are needed for P.E. class. Homework for this week will only consist of reading. There is no math or spelling/writing homework. This week is also Read Across America Week at SMS. Below you will find a quick reminder of the days for this week. It is completely optional if students would like to participate in any of the events for this week. Take care and have a great week!


Rick Saltus
Grade 2 Teacher

Read Across America Schedule:

Monday- Fox in Socks Day-Wear crazy socks and show them off

Tuesday-Cat in the Hat Day-Wear your favorite hat/cap

Wednesday-Wacky Wednesday-Wear mismatch clothing

Thursday-Dress Up Day-Dress up as your favorite book character

Friday-Curl Up and Read Day- Bring a pillow and small stuffed animal for our school wide Drop Everything and Read Event.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Early Release for SMS

Dear 2S Families,

I just wanted to remind all families that this Wednesday is an SMS Early Release Day for students. Dismissal is at 12:50 pm. Please contact me if you have any questions. Have a great day and stay warm!


Rick Saltus

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Snow Gear on Friday for 2S

Dear 2S Families,

Our SMS P.E. Teacher, Ms. Locke is asking that all students bring their snow gear (jackets, snow pants, gloves, boots, hats, etc) for this Friday. She is planning on bringing the class outside for a little snow fun as long as the weather cooperates. If you have any questions please let me know or you can contact Ms. Locke. Thanks!


Rick Saltus
Grade 2 Teacher

2S Tibits

Hello 2S Families,

It certainly has been interesting week up to this point with the snow day yesterday and the delayed opening today. Right now the weather forecasters are saying we might end up with another day off tomorrow. There is no homework this week due to the Patriots winning the Super Bowl. I promised the students last week that if the Patriots won on Sunday that there would be no homework for the week. Report Cards were sent home last Friday. If you have not already, please send the report card envelope back in at your earliest convenience. I do not need the report card back. Below you will find a few reminders for future events. Have a great week and let me know if you have any questions.


Rick Saltus
Grade 2 Teacher

Feb. 10th-  Father/Daughter Dance-6:30-8:00 pm

Feb. 14th-  2S will exchange class valentine's cards. (Please bring cards in by the 14th)

Feb. 15th-  Early Release Day-Dismissal at 12:50 pm

Feb. 27th-Mar. 3rd- Winter Vacation